Bags of Fun Omaha
With a background in pediatric nursing Amy has seen firsthand what a child and their family goes through when diagnosed with a life threatening condition. This became a reality for her family when her niece, Gabby, was diagnosed with cancer at age 5. Gabby's determination and kind, giving spirit spilled over into her wish to bring a Bag of Fun to every child fighting a battle. It is Amy's wish to bring Bags of Fun to the Omaha area and continue spreading the joy and love that Gabby would have wanted. It is in Gabby's spirit that they bring happiness wrapped up in a backpack to those children going through a really tough time in a world where just being a kid and playing is their job! It is with great honor that the Krause family is able to bring this foundation to the Omaha area and they are extremely grateful for the opportunity to provide joy to children living with a life threatening illness.